About Caucho

Millions of sites worldwide successfully use Resin as the fastest and most reliable Java EE integrated solution for web applications. For over twenty five years, Caucho Resin has become recognized for high performance, security and reliability with 99.99% uptime reported by the majority of our customers, many of them Fortune 1000 companies and governments who have mission critical performance and security requirements.

Sites deployed on Resin include: NTT Data, Hyatt Corporation, Bank of India, King.com (Candy Crush), Honda, Vision Service Plan, Shiseido, NYU and the South Korean Coast Guard and Ministry of National Defense.


“We started using Resin as it was the only viable way of bridging PHP and Java at the time. Since then it’s proved itself to be a robust and scalable platform, which we find eminently suitable for our increasingly sophisticated requirements.” – Matt Secrett, Technical Director, iBase Media Services Ltd

“Here at IBRC, we use Resin 4 to maintain high availability and secure transmissions for our flagship SaaS product Open-Line Customer Experience Improvement Tool™. We take full advantage of loading balancing and SSL encryption to achieve our goals of making Open-Line always available and secure to all who use it.” – Stewart Morse, Manager of Online Communications, IBRC Inc

“Our goal for over twenty years has been to provide developers with lightweight programming tools to run some of the most sophisticated and mission critical sites on the planet.” – Steve Montal, Co-Founder of Caucho

“Great product, great staff. Your engineers have helped us solve several onerous problems by providing timely review of sent logs and highly effective troubleshooting tips. We have some great software developers here but occasionally even they get stuck and need the deep technical understanding the Caucho staff provides. Resin has proven itself to be a stable yet versatile product and it’s really great to see such a talented staff behind it.” – Gary Lunsford / IT Manager / Vision Service Plan

“We have found that the internal reporting tools that ship with version 4, along with its extreme efficiency are key to keeping our hardware consumption as low as it currently is.” – Levy Lieberman, VP Technology, Prodege LLC

Engineering Projects


Quercus is Caucho’s implementation of PHP written in Java to improve performance, scalability and security of PHP applications


Hessian is a fast, compact, binary protocol that not only outperforms XML-based remoting protocols like SOAP and XML-RPC but also meets or exceeds the performance of other binary protocols like ORMI and Java JNI